4 Ways to Simplify Your Cannabis Compliance Management
The State of State Initiatives: Marijuana in 2020 curbed by COVID
Cannabis: Regulatory Compliance 101
Coronavirus, Essential Businesses, and the Cannabis Industry
2020 Cannabis Industry Predictions
Status Update for 2019 Cannabis Industry Predictions
Back in December 2018, on behalf of Simplifya, I made three predictions for what we would see happen in the cannabis industry in 2019. Those predictions included that the New York and Illinois state legislatures would legalize recreational cannabis and that the 116th Congress would enact incremental reform to address some of the unique challenges […]
Cannabis Legalization & The Presidential Campaign: How They Overlap
The 2020 presidential campaign will be a competitive one, with President Donald Trump running for re-election and 535 other candidates (as of February 19, 2019) running against him. Major issues that candidates will be running on include the economy, immigration policy, healthcare, climate change … the usual. But as I read through endless articles about […]