As we continue our quest to offer the most efficient, comprehensive compliance tool for the cannabis industry, we are proud to deliver two more tools for your arsenal: Cannabis License Tracking and Reporting. These two new features round out our core software platform and further enable our clients to manage their compliance, their way.
One of the most critical components of cannabis compliance is simply staying on top of all of the required licenses, badges, and certifications, and managing them through the renewal process in order to avoid a lapse that could result in fines or, even a loss of said license.
License Tracker takes the guesswork and ambiguity out of the tracking and renewing process, so compliance managers never have to worry about missing a deadline. License Tracker was built specifically for tracking cannabis licenses, badges, and certifications, and delivers a best-in-class experience targeting the specific needs of cannabis operators.
At Simplifya, our clients range from small, single-location dispensaries to industry-leading multi-state operators (MSOs). One thing that all of our clients have in common is the need to track renewal documents. From state and local licenses to employee badges, all the way down to fire extinguishers.
We spoke with more than 15 operators about how they track licenses. We heard about the problems they were having, and the gaps that existed in our current license tracking solution, as well as what they liked and didn’t like about other solutions.
Here’s what we learned:
Knowing when something gets renewed is only half the story. A good license tracker needed to not only alert them when they needed to renew their licenses but would help them track and create processes around that renewal.
We learned that the license statuses of “valid” and “expired” really didn’t allow compliance managers to keep track of a license during the renewal process. So we introduced custom statuses that allow you to make license statuses that accommodate your company’s unique renewal process. But we also knew that clients didn’t just want to track their cannabis licenses, they needed to be able to track employee badges (by the hundreds), Servsafe Certifications, state vehicle registration forms, and lots of other required documents.
Once we learned how many different types of documents needed renewing, we also knew that adding all of those licenses and tracked documents to the system would take a long time; so we also built an interface that lets you upload ALL of your tracked items (licenses and everything!) at the same time. cannabis license
Adding the upload interface also prompted us to develop the different tracked categories of “licenses,” “badges,” “certifications,” and “others.” While these categories are very similar in terms of the information they can hold, we knew that clients wanted to be able to differentiate their documents in a way that made sense to them.
Used in conjunction with our Reporting feature, you can easily create monthly license reports to make sure everyone on your team knows the exact status of all of your licenses.
Speaking of our new Reporting feature…
One of our goals for this year was to make it easier for clients to both visualize and quantify how much more compliant they have become, and for them to be able to generate their own insights and analytics, based on their time spent in Simplifya. Our new Reporting tool gives Simplifya users access to more than 70 different data points that can be exported and measured in the business analytics tool of your choice.
Want to know which of your facilities completes action items the fastest? Want to know how many SOP steps you completed last quarter? Want to send a monthly report to your executive team updating them on your licenses? Want to know how much more compliant you’ve made your facilities? Insights into all of these metrics (and MANY more) are now possible with our Reporting feature.
We’d love to help you use these powerful new tools to make sure that your business is getting the most out of Simplifya. Get in touch with us at and we’ll be happy to help you set up your account!
Not a client yet, but want to learn more about how Simplifya can help your operation manage compliance? Request a demo here, and we’ll be happy to share it with you!